How can I prevent PriceLabs and Gap Management from altering prices or restrictions for specific listings?

When using dynamic pricing tools like Pricelabs to manage your rates, the results are by default synced to all your OTA listings. Similarly, when using Hostex’s Gap Management tool, the system automatically applies the Minimum Stay rules to all OTA listings by default.

However, there may be cases where you need to set exceptions so that changes generated by these tools do not apply to certain specific listings. In such cases, you will need to configure the Opt-Out settings.


  1. Click on the Property name in the calendar.
  2. Select the Pricing Ratio tab in the pop-up window on the right.
  3. Under Opt-Out, uncheck the listings you want to exclude.

Once configured, changes to pricing and restrictions made by tools like PriceLabs and Gap Management will no longer apply to these listings.
