Airbnb Cleaning Fees: Essential Insights for Hosts

When it comes to vacation rentals, the topic of Airbnb cleaning fees is always a hot-button issue for both hosts and guests. One common question is: what constitutes a reasonable cleaning fee? This question impacts not only the host’s revenue but also significantly influences the guest’s booking decisions.

This article will explore common questions encountered when setting Airbnb cleaning fees. We aim to help Airbnb hosts make more informed decisions.

Hostex, the best vacation rental management software, helps you manage your Airbnb by automating cleaning tasks, calendar syncing, guest messages, and more!

What is the Airbnb Cleaning Fee?

The Airbnb cleaning fee is an additional charge that hosts apply on top of the rental price.

This fee is meant to cover the cost of cleaning the property after each guest checks out, ensuring it’s ready for the next visitor.

How Does the Airbnb Cleaning Fee Work?

When potential guests browse your listing, the total price they see includes the cleaning fee. During the booking process, this fee is itemized, making it easy for guests to understand that it is an additional charge.

Here are a few important points to note:

  • Host-Defined: The cleaning fee is set by the host and can vary in amount.
  • Separate Listing: This fee is listed separately from the nightly rate, which helps guests grasp the total cost.
  • Independent Charges: The cleaning fee is distinct from Airbnb’s service fees and any optional add-ons.
  • Non-Refundable: Unlike a security deposit, the cleaning fee is not refundable after the guest checks out.
  • Per Booking Charge: Regardless of how many nights a guest books, the cleaning fee is charged for each reservation.

What Does the Airbnb Cleaning Fee Cover?

The Airbnb cleaning fee can encompass various cleaning tasks necessary after a guest’s stay. This includes the time, materials, and labor involved in cleaning, as well as any costs associated with hiring external cleaning services.

The typical Airbnb cleaning fee usually covers the following:

  • Tidying up the property
  • Cleaning floors and furniture surfaces
  • Making beds and washing linens
  • Scrubbing bathrooms and laundering towels
  • Cleaning the kitchen and washing dishes
  • Restocking toilet paper and toiletries
  • Refilling spices or food supplies
  • Changing trash bags and replenishing cleaning supplies

Since cleaning tasks can be quite detailed, hosts can refer to the ultimate short-term rental cleaning checklist to ensure they cover all necessary cleaning protocols. This will help maintain a high standard and enhance guest satisfaction.

How to Set the Airbnb Cleaning Fee?

Setting the cleaning fee is a straightforward process for Airbnb hosts. You can easily do it while listing your property.

How to Change Airbnb Cleaning Fee?

  1. Go to your Airbnb Calendar and select the listing
  2. Click Pricing
  3. Under Additional charges, click Fees
  4. Click Cleaning fee and make your changes
  5. Click Save

How to Add a Cleaning Fee to Confirmed Bookings?

To do this, you need to obtain the guest’s consent, and then send a request to your guests, which includes the new total price with the additional fee.

  1. Click Today > Reservations
  2. Click Upcoming and select the reservation you’d like to change
  3. Click Details and then click Change reservation
  4. Change listing, dates, number of guests, or price
  5. Review the changes, then click Send request

How much is Airbnb Cleaning Fee?

Setting the Airbnb cleaning fee for your vacation rental can be a tricky part of your pricing strategy. It would be best if you find a balance between attracting potential guests and covering your own costs.

However, there is no fixed standard for cleaning fees, as many factors can influence your pricing, including the size and location of your property, as well as the costs involved in cleaning.

What is the Average Airbnb Cleaning Fee?

When discussing Airbnb cleaning fees, you might come across claims that the “standard cleaning fee on Airbnb ranges from $50 to $80.

However, this figure can be misleading, as it only represents an average for various types of properties in the United States.

In reality, the standard for cleaning fees can vary significantly based on several factors:

  • Regional Differences: Labor costs differ greatly between countries and cities. Even within the same country, cleaning expenses can vary widely between large urban areas and small towns.
  • Property Type: The cleaning costs for a room in a shared rental, a charming cabin in the woods, or a luxurious suburban villa can be vastly different.
  • Market Conditions: Popular vacation areas often have concentrated resources, leading to lower cleaning costs. Conversely, remote mountain cabins may incur higher cleaning fees due to increased travel and logistical challenges.

How much should I set the Airbnb cleaning fee?

Despite the challenges mentioned, it is still possible to establish a viable pricing strategy.

One effective approach is to set your cleaning fee slightly below the average level of similar listings. This can enhance your competitiveness and attract more bookings.

Here are some specific steps to consider:

  1. Confirm Cost Range: Based on the cleaning tasks outlined earlier, assess a rough range of your cleaning costs.
  2. Market Research: Identify 20 properties in your area that are similar to yours in size, location, and decor, and record their cleaning fees. Calculate the average.
  3. Consult Cleaning Service Companies: Reach out to several local cleaning service providers to inquire about their pricing for third-party services.
  4. Integrate Pricing: Combine the insights from the three data points above to set your cleaning fee. Ensure that your fee is not higher than the average among competitors while also covering your actual cleaning costs.

Should I Charge a Cleaning Fee?

If you often engage with topics related to Airbnb management on Q&A platforms, you might have noticed a recurring question: Do all Airbnbs charge cleaning fees?

According to Airbnb data, charging a cleaning fee has become a common practice among hosts. In the UK, France, and the US, the proportion of listings with cleaning fees is 48%, 56%, and 89%, respectively. This indicates that cleaning fees are considered normal operating costs in these regions.

However, some hosts choose not to charge a cleaning fee. Instead, they spread the related costs across the nightly rate. This approach may make the initial price appear more attractive, but the overall total may not significantly decrease.

So, should you charge a cleaning fee?

Traveler dissatisfaction with cleaning fees often stems not from the fee itself, but from the unexpected increase in the average price after they decide to book. This situation can leave guests feeling disappointed, as they perceive a lack of transparency in pricing.

Therefore, you should assess your property’s specific circumstances. There’s no need to overthink it—do it, and ensure your approach aligns with similar properties in your market. This way, you can maintain competitiveness while also covering your costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can Airbnb Cleaning Fee Be Negotiated?

If you add a cleaning fee to your listing, guests booking through Airbnb will automatically pay this fee.

However, there may be times when guests try to negotiate. For example, if a guest plans a long stay, you might consider offering a slight discount on the cleaning fee or more flexible cleaning arrangements.

The outcome of this situation can be twofold:

  • Pros: Guests might be more satisfied with your service, leading to positive reviews and potentially turning them into loyal repeat customers.
  • Cons: This could open the door for guests to negotiate other aspects of their stay. If you can’t meet all their requests, they may decide not to book, putting you in a difficult position.

In my experience, it’s often best to avoid negotiating the cleaning fee with guests. These guests can be the most particular, and such negotiations can lead to unnecessary complications.

2. Is the Airbnb Cleaning Fee Refundable?

As mentioned earlier, the cleaning fee is non-refundable, unlike a security deposit.

However, if a guest cancels their reservation before check-in, they will receive a full refund of the cleaning fee, regardless of the cancellation policy.

It’s important to note that if a guest cancels during their stay, the cleaning fee will not be refunded.

3. Do Guests Need to Clean Before Checkout?

In most cases, Airbnb guests are not required to perform extensive cleaning before checking out. Hosts typically cover these cleaning services within the cleaning fee, ensuring the property is ready for the next guest.

However, even when a cleaning fee is charged, some hosts may specify in their listing that guests should leave the rental in good condition. This might include basic tasks like:

  • Taking out the trash
  • Straightening up the beds
  • Washing dishes

While these requests are reasonable, I personally prefer not to impose them.

4. How to Reduce Airbnb Cleaning Management Costs?

There are several effective ways to lower your cleaning management costs. Here are some practical suggestions:

  1. Outsource Cleaning Services: Partner with a professional cleaning company. While the initial costs may be higher, this can save you money in the long run by minimizing issues related to inadequate cleaning.
  2. Establish Standardized Processes: Create a standard cleaning procedure and checklist. This ensures that each cleaning session is organized and prevents oversights or redundant tasks.
  3. Utilize Technology: Use cleaning management software to automate the scheduling and tracking of cleaning tasks. This can help you manage time and resources more efficiently, improving overall effectiveness.