为什么我的 Airbnb 房源未能通过审核?

为了给客人提供舒适、可靠的住宿,Airbnb 要求所有房东满足其每条房源的一些要求。


Therefore, after you have linked the listings to Hostex, sometimes the listing may show up with the message “Listing amenities don’t meet the requirement”. But you don’t have to worry, this will only affect its management in Hostex, and will not really be paused or suspended.


  • 前往 特性 Hostex 上的页面,
  • Click on “Review details” to check the reason for failure.
  • 前往 Airbnb 网站根据需要调整房源信息。
  • Go back to Hostex and click on “Re-Submit” in “Review details”.