Why do reservations disappear from the Airbnb calendar after integration?

When you integrate your Airbnb listings with Hostex, you have the option to enable multiple inventory by linking them to a multi-inventory room type. View more at: https://hostex.io/help/airbnb-multi-inventory-listing/

However, it is important to note that once an Airbnb listing has been set up with multiple inventories, the reservations will no longer be visible on the calendar page in the Airbnb host interface. This limitation is specific to the Airbnb platform.

To resolve this issue and make reservations visible again, you have to disable the multiple inventories by following these steps:

  1. Access the “Connected Accounts” section within Hostex.
  2. Remove the Airbnb account from the list.
  3. Re-add the Airbnb account to establish a fresh connection.
  4. Link each Airbnb listing to Hostex’s property, rather than a room type. This will ensure that the inventory for each listing is set to 1.
  5. Once the listings are linked correctly, reservations will reappear in the Airbnb calendar.