What Do You Need to Know About the Expedia Integration?

Hostex is a closely integrated partner of Expedia, facilitating real-time synchronization of calendars, reservations, and messages through API integration. This integration streamlines the management of your property, ensuring that your calendar, prices, bookings, and reviews are seamlessly synced.

How to integrate an Expedia account?

  • 1. Go to the Connected Accounts section.
  • 2. Click the  button to Connect an account.
  • 3. Click on the Link my listings.
  • 4. Select the property or room type you want to link on the left.
  • 4. Click on the Link button on the right side.


When you connect your Expedia account with Hostex, all rate plans for a listing are loaded into Hostex, and you must link all these rate plans to the relevant property or room type on Hostex.

How can I set up the booking rules and settings for an Expedia listing?

Hostex offers seamless connections to your Expedia accounts. You can easily manage and work directly with your Expedia listings’ settings on Hostex.

To do it,

  1. Go to the Price section.
  2. Select the dates of a listing you want to edit.
  3. On the right-hand side, you will find the rules of this listing.

Then you can set up the following settings or rules for these dates.

– Minimum stay – the minimum number of days a guest must book the specified room, for the specified rate, if they check in on the specified date.

– Maximum stay – The maximum number of days a guest may book the specified room, for the specified rate, if they check in on the specified date.

– Closed on arrival – Specifies if the listing is unavailable to book if the guest checks in on the specified date.

– Closed on departure – Specifies if the listing is unavailable to book if the guest checks out on the specified date.

Other things you should know

You may encounter the following problems when connecting to your Expedia account.

  1. Due to Expedia’s API restrictions, reservations and reviews before the connection cannot be synced.
  2. After the connection, the price of Expedia may be displayed as 0, but this does not affect the booking process. You can modify the prices to the correct prices as needed.
  3. If your listing has several price plans that rely on the Standard Rate Plan, then you only need to set the price of the Standard Rate Plan, and the other rate plans will automatically change based on it.